Inkscape & Laser Cutter Checkout Class

I taught the Inkscape and Laser Cutter Checkout classes at Factory Two. These were two classes that were taught back to back. It was intended to be structured so that someone could design something in the Inkscape class and laser cut it in the checkout class.

The Inkscape class is offered because it is a free, open – source vector graphics editor. That makes it easily accessible to anyone with the internet and a computer. The laser cutter checkout class is required for anyone wanting to become certified on the laser cutter. After that anyone is able to use the laser cutter unsupervised.

Duration: 2017 – 2020 

Challenge: There was a broad range of technical abilities. It had to be simplified enough for people that weren’t tech savvy, but still have something to offer to people who were.

Solution: I was very detailed when writing out the steps. I wanted users to be able to go through the steps again later, as easily as possible, on their own. Because I was teaching the class in person, I had a usability study to reference every week. So I could make changes based on new insights. I created a crash course that was accessible and would tell people where they could find more resources.

You can download and read the materials that I created for the classes, below.

Inkscape SOP (PDF)

Laser Cutter SOP (PDF)

The keychain project, designed in the Inkscape class and laser cut in the checkout class